Infosearch Ltd.

- Dr. Kreaovan Limapichat
- Mr. Soonthorn Singkiporn
- Mr. Kati Limapichat
- Dr.Kreaovan Limapichat
- Mr. Kati Limapichat
Company Profile
INFOSEARCH Limited, established in 1996, is proud to be a medium-sized research company in Thailand with 75 experienced permanent staff and 1,000 data processing and temporary fieldwork staff. INFOSEARCH is committed to the most accurate and reliable data and relevant marketing insights by applying to the highest standard of quality. At the same time, we are always looking for ways to enhance the quality of our research work through a dedicated professional training program for the research staff, by implementing quality improvement tools and solutions and by applying innovative research techniques. INFOSEARCH believes in top quality fieldwork, as a result, 60% of the permanent staff are in field management, supervision and quality control, Protocol procedures and customized training are enforced to guarantee consistency and quality. Moreover, 1 out of 5 questionnaires is back-checked to ensure the integrity of the data, and is one of the highest ratio, if not the highest, in the industry. Hence, with 100% editing, 25% back-checking and computer logic checks, INFOSEARCH assuresclients of quality research. INFOSEARCH can provide the marketing research and consultancy to formulate affective marketing plans and strategies, assess positioning and advertising execution to minimize risks and eliminate obstacles to success.
- Quality personnel, qualified and experienced in market research, computer science, advertising, economics and statistics, government and commercial affairs.
- Quality research that is analytical, statistically reliable and at the same time, clear and actionable.
- Quality relationships with clients, based on trust, frank exchange of opinions and close contact at all levels.
Research Services
Retailer Survey
- Retailer Monitoring
- Retailer's Satisfaction Research
- Customer-Satisfaction Level Research
- Store Opening Research
- Employee Research
Marketing Research
- Marketing Structure Research
- Positioning Research
- New Product Development Research
- Price Elasticity Measurement
- Advertising Effect Measurement
- Brand Diagnosis Research
- Demand Forecast Research
- Product Testing
- Advertising Strategy/Research
- Media consumption Surveys
Distribution Survey Mystery Shopping Omnibus Customer Satisfaction Audit Business-To-Business Research
- 1200 Panel Industrial Contract
- 1500 Panel Traditional Trade Contact in Bangkok
Key Expertise
- Automotive
- Food and Beverage
- Personal Care
- Telecommunications
- Agriculture
- Liquor
- Pharmaceuticals
- Cosmetics
- Packaged Goods
- Real Estate
- Specially designed room equipped with one-way mirror and audio monitoring facilities for discreet obsearvation creative stimuli materials professionally produced in-house to guarantee confidentiality
- In-house data processing facilities and exclusive software for data entry, coding, verification, tabulation and analysis, ensuring security for each client
- Teams of supervisors and trained field workers experienced in conducting extensive research projects within Thailand and Indochina.